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Forum Posts
terrainy studios
Sep 23, 2022
In RV-8
The long awaited RV-8 is now available for purchase from all stores! (SimMarket, ORBX, Aerosoft) The RV-8 is a light, single engine, high performance kit plane developed by Van's Aircraft, Inc. The RV-8 is the fastest aircraft in the RV lineup boasting a top speed of over 190 knots while maintaining a range of over 680 miles. Get together with your fellow RV-8 pilots and put on an airshow as the RV-8 complies with the FAA Aerobatics certification of +6/-3Gs. With a fully equipped IFR cockpit, you can fly your aircraft in all kinds of weather, putting your piloting skills to the test.
terrainy studios
Feb 11, 2022
In Scenery Development
We are happy to be sharing with you these brand new previews of Zakynthos LGZA. We are also excited to announce that it will be releasing later this month. In the next coming days you can expect to see first the update for Samos fixing issues with the ground/terrain clipping and subsequently the release of Speck-Fehraltorf LSZK. Keep an eye out on our Social media as well as on our Forum for updates regarding all of our projects.
terrainy studios
Nov 29, 2021
In Ikaria - LGIK
Ikaria v1.1 is now available (or will soon be depending on your store) for you to download. This update has the following changes: Bugs: -Fixed issue where ground polygon was invisible Added: +3D Animated People +Ferry at Ag.Kirikos Port + Improved vegetation and wildlife
terrainy studios
Nov 17, 2021
In RV-8
For the second preview in the Development Series, we present to you the main instrument panel of the RV-8. This includes a range of standard gauges that you will use to aviate, navigate and communicate with the world around you. Each instrument is an exact replica of it’s Van’s counterpart and they are all programmed to function and react to the aircraft as you would expect in the real world. A simple Autopilot is also included for those long cross-country flights.
terrainy studios
Nov 11, 2021
In RV-8
While our scenery development team works on finalizing the fixes for Ikaria and Samos, our Aircraft Development Team has been hard at work on the RV-8 now nearing the final stages of it’s Beta. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing image previews with you of the features and elements that will come with the product. The first preview in the series is the Static Elements and External Model. Our 3D specialist worked hard on the exterior model, pouring over every little detail. The static elements you will find on the aircraft are interactable and will have a direct effect on your experience. Did you leave the pitot covers on? Or forget the fuel cap open? Need to check your fuel? The fuel level in your tanks is visible when you open the fuel cap and changes depending on your actual level. You will dynamically experience the effects of your actions and so a good preflight is always important.
terrainy studios
Nov 10, 2021
In Hausen Am Albis - LSZN
Update 1.1 is available now. This update fixes issues that presented themselves after the WU6 update. The update has been sent to the distributors and will be available in the next few days. Support is available through the website ticket system, or by email to: The updates for Samos and Ikaria are currently being worked on and will be available soon. A separate post will be made for those updates.
terrainy studios
Oct 07, 2020
In General Discussions
Welcome to the Terrainy Studios Forum. Feel free to use this forum to ask questions and have discussions about our work!
Some Simple Rules Keep your posts relevant to the subcategory you are posting in.Off-topic posts are considered spam and will be either moved or removed by a moderator. No Advertising, Self-promotion or Spam will be tolerated. Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense while posting. Don't necropost. Please do not post on topics which have not been replied to for a long time or to questions that have already been answered. Don't make duplicates of topics that already exist. Before creating a new topic, check to make sure the question or discussion you are starting hasn't already been answered. Contribute to the topic. Even if your post relates to the topic, it may not be allowed. Please refrain from posting short, thoughtless posts; instead, take your time to write up a well-thought-out post which adds to the discussion. Even if a short post is technically allowed, it is still discouraged. Remain respectful of other members at all times And most importantly... Have Fun!
-The Terrainy Team
terrainy studios
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