Good day! I purchased this airplane, and I think it's really nice, however I found couple bugs: - Strobe lights don't work
- Landing lights look way too dim, making it really hard to land at night
- The aircraft can be started without turning on the fuel pump
- During the startup the selector by default is switched to the left tank, and I have to select right tank in order to start the fuel flow
- Also the mixture is all the way forward when it's dark & cold
- In the aircraft selection menu it says the airplane's cruise speed is 190 km instead of kn
- The external sounds don't change if the canopy is open/closed - And the sound of opening/closing the canopy is also missing
- Also the text is missing for both lights tooltips (on mouse hover)
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Hello, Thank you for your feedback. We are currently working on a fix for a variety of issues that will be coming soon. Stay tuned to our forum and social pages to be informed as soon as the fix is released. Regards, Terrainy Studios